The study of influence of the binders concentration and the method of granulation on technological properties of natural zeolite granules




natural zeolite, granules, excipients, fluidity, bulk density, disintegration time, abrasion resistance


Aim. To study influence of the method of granulation, type and concentration of the excipients on technological properties of natural zeolite granules.

Methods. The granules were obtained using laboratory extruder, granulating mixer and dragee boiler. According to the SPhU methods, bulk density before and after shrinkage, fluidity, abrasion resistance of granules, and disintegration time were determined.

Results. In accordance to the given research results, influence of the method of granulation on technological properties of the granules was studied; the optimal concentrations of potato starch glue and polyvinylpyrrolidone solution on the levels of 7–10 % and 5–10 % as binders for obtaining natural zeolite granules using extruder, granulating mixer and dragee boiler were substantiated.

Conclusion. Influence of the type and concentration of binder, as well as the method of granulation on technological properties of natural zeolite granules was proved. The results of research will be used for development of the composition and technology of tablets, containing natural zeolite as an active pharmaceutical ingredient

Author Biography

Vasiliy Rybachuk, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Rybachuk, V. (2017). The study of influence of the binders concentration and the method of granulation on technological properties of natural zeolite granules. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (1 (5), 36–39.



Pharmaceutical Science