Chromatography-mass spectrometry study of low molecular aliphatic, fatty and aromatic acids of Veronica teucrium L. rhizomes
Veronica teucrium L., aliphatic acids, fatty acids, aromatic acids, gas chromatography/mass spectrometric methodAbstract
The aim of our research was to identify and quantify of aliphatic, aromatic and fatty acids of Veronica teucrium L. rhizomes by the gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method.
Methods. The object of study was V. teucrium L. rhizomes, collected in 2015 in Kharkiv region. The analysis of acid’s methyl esters was performed using chromatography-mass spectrometer 5973N/6890N MSD/DS Agilent Technologies.
The injection of sample in chromatographic capillary column INNOWAX (0.25 mm х 30 m) was performed by a splitless mode. The identification of acid’s methyl esters were performed by calculating of the equivalent length of the aliphatic chain (ECL); using data from the mass spectra libraries NIST 05 and Willey 2007 in conjunction with programs for identifying – AMDIS and NIST; also retention time of esters was compared with the retention time of standard compounds (Sigma). Internal standard method was used for quantitative calculations.
Results of the Research. By means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method the reseach of carboxylic acids of V. teucrium L. rhizomes have been studied for first time, and in the result of the study 10 aliphatic, 16 fatty and 9 aromatic acids had been identified and quantified. The total content of identified carboxylic acids of V. teucrium L. rhizomes was 3068.06 mg/% (3.07%). Among low molecular aliphatic acids malic, citric and levulinic; among fatty acids – saturated: myristic, palmitic and tetracosanoic, and unsaturated: oleic, linoleic and linolenic are dominant. The particular importance have identified aromatic acids – benzoic; phenolcarbonic: vanillic, veratrylic, р-hydroxybenzoic, gentisic, syringic and hydroxycinnamic: р-coumaric.
Conclusions. In the first time in V. teucrium L. rhizomes 10 low molecular aliphatic acids, 16 fatty acids and 9 aromatic acids had been identified and quantified by using gas chromatography/mass spectrometric methodReferences
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Copyright (c) 2017 Alina Osmachko, Alla Kovaleva, Ilyina Tatyana, Oleg Koshovyi, Natali Sidora

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