

gender socialization, gender education, educational process, students with disabilities, universities.


Higher educational institutions must create in the process of gender socialization and professional cultural ideal, which must seek every student. It is rooted gender stereotypes is a prerequisite root causes and various manifestations of inequality, including gender inequality, discrimination and violence based on gender. The family, marriage, children are essential values of each society. A special attention should be paid cim'yi students with disabilities. An important focus of gender socialization of students with disabilities have educational work. In the course of this work in students fixed their knowledge, forming the necessary communication skills without discrimination and free of gender stereotypes, tolerance develops. Introduction of gender component in educational institutions work requires a systematic approach that primarily involves a high level of gender sensitivity leadership of the university. Implementation of the training of the university students with disabilities to gender space should be in certain areas. We can classify the blocks of gender-oriented knowledge: national constituent, intellectual, moral, physical, occupational, family and legal components. The result of the process of formation of gender socialization is not just a student in the proper sense of the essence of moral standards and guidelines in the field of relationship articles, but also need to follow them in all fields. In the process of engaging students with disabilities to gender educational space of the university must achieve gender of students in social responsibility. In the study of the university and there is no need of boys and girls with disabilities make students more like the opposite sex. The aim is to assist and boys and girls with disabilities to become happy people, that they can fully realize their capabilities and features so pleased of his life, were confident in themselves and their future.

Author Biography

Alla Voytovska, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

Teacher of the Social Pedagogy and Social work Department


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How to Cite

Voytovska, A. (2017). GENDER ASPECTS OF SOCIALIZATION OF THE STUDENTS. Social Work and Education, 4(1), 119–125. Retrieved from

