
  • Selena T Rodgers York College of the City University of New York School of Health Sciences and Professional Programs Department of Social Work, United States
  • Linda Wermeling Northern Kentucky University, United States



Social work, Education, Moldova, Fulbright


The Republic of Moldova ranks low in common living standards and human development indicators in comparison with other European and transitional economies. The social work profession within Moldova is also in transition. Two Fulbright specialists discuss their experiences as social work professors in Moldova. First, the need for social work education and professional social workers is detailed. Second, training of Moldovan university faculty and government officials is considered. Third, how students were educated through classes in Moldova and through distance-learning co-taught courses from the USA is detailed. Finally, the specialists reflect on the continuing need for professionalism in such transitional economies.

Author Biographies

Selena T Rodgers, York College of the City University of New York School of Health Sciences and Professional Programs Department of Social Work

Director, Master of Social Work Program Associate Professor of Social Work U.S. Fulbright Scholar, Specialist Program

Linda Wermeling, Northern Kentucky University

Associate Professor of Social Work U.S. Fulbright Scholar, Specialist Program


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How to Cite

Rodgers, S. T., & Wermeling, L. (2018). SOCIAL WORK IN MOLDOVA IN THE 21ST CENTURY: FULBRIGHT SPECIALISTS’ REFLECTIONS. Social Work and Education, 5(3), 28–37.

