training, interactive technologies, social worker, training model.Abstract
The article discusses the interactive learning essence, which lies in the fact that the learning process in a permanent, active interaction of all students. This co-educational, mutual learning (collective, group, learning in cooperation) were the student and teacher were equal, equivalent learning subjects. The teacher acts as the learning process organizer, the group leader. The interactive learning organization involves the life situations modeling, the role-playing games use, and the general solution of problems. It effectively contributes to the values formation, skills and ability, creating a cooperation and interaction atmosphere, allows the teacher to become a true leader in the student team. The structural and procedural interactive technologies characteristics are considered. It is analyzed that the active learning model implies the students’ activity, with relative learning environment passivity. The teacher stimulates cognitive activity, initiative and independence. The main task of education within the framework of this doctrine is to assist a person in his self-realization, which is achieved not through the formation, moral qualities, values, principles development, but the development and enhancement of those abilities that are born into a child from birth, causing the success achievement as the main, primary human life purpose. From the orientation towards personal structures, interactive learning technologies are information-operational, since they contribute to the knowledge and skills formation in subjects, as well as methods of mental actions.References
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