



emotional prosperity, emotional health, psychological health, emotional competence, emotional firmness, emotional intellect, psychological firmness, firmness is to the stress situations.


In the conditions of economic crisis, social instability and unbalanced, personality of development worker, being in rapid development of innovative changes and dynamic changes, needs an excessive calmness, to harmoniousness in own "I", and also moderate thinking and others like that. Self understanding itself, own overvalue of the advantages and defects, abilities of itself to reconstruct on other (informatively-innovative) format, the use of various technologies, technician, methodologies of social aspiration, allow to the development worker more carefully to carry out professional duties, adhere to the clear standards and rules of behavior in the work. Personality of emotional (positive) comfort and psychological prosperity is sensitive on own difficulties, flexibly to think, to analyze the given information, and finally she becomes more "hard-tempered", by a bar to the modern social problems, calls of present time. Strictly speaking, personality of social sphere has the opportunity during the career to be enriched, namely motivational, intellectually, effectively, emotionally, that directly correlates with capabilities, aspirations, desires and determine professional success. Scientists, in particular І. Matekiv interpreted definition of emotional competence as willingness and ability of man flexibly to manage emotional reactions: own and other people, adequately to the situations and terms that change. From the point of view of М.Orap, emotional firmness of child or adult it can be determined as ability deservingly to feel, to be happy, successful in the sphere, to surmount certain obstacles, if will own certain skills of the psychological state. At the same time G. Seli, distinguishes such stress is factor that is related to organization and maintenance of professional activity of personality: excessive overload, psychical activity or obvious underloading is tense in the volume of executable work; monotony or complication of executable work; increase responsibility; necessity to accept too many decisions; absence or "small" participation is in the process of making decision; novelty, reorganization at work; uneffective organization of workplace; change of duration or terms of labour; physical factors (temperature, noise, populousness); sudden or systematic distraction of attention (unexpected irritants or permanent influence of obstacles and, as a result, development of premature tiredness); disturbance by the consequences of erroneous actions, to do fear error Every specialist of the business must understand and realize what resources can use, namely to what active forms it can be succeeded: co-operating with positive people (parents, colleagues, relatives, and acquaintances), hobby, interests, interesting businesses, pleasant leisure, and also active motivation of overcoming and others like that.

Author Biography

Oksana Zhyznomirska, Ternopil Regional Municipal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ternopil

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology and Inclusive Education


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How to Cite

Zhyznomirska, O. (2020). EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING OF THE SOCIAL WORKER. Social Work and Education, 7(2), 163–169. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.20.2.1

