
  • Hanna Slozanska HEI “Ukrainian Catholic University”, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Nadiia Horishna Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine; , Ukraine



boarding schools;, boarding schools’ pupils;, social worker., residential care,, deinstitutionalization;, family upbringing;


The relevance of the article is highlighted by the implementation in Ukraine of the second stage of institutionalization reform, which provides for the transformation of the system of residential institutions and the development of alternative forms of family arrangements in Ukraine. The purpose of the article was to reveal the functioning of residential institutions in Ukraine and determine the impact of residential care on the personality of children. The method of document analysis was used to search, select, analyze and summarize data from statistical and analytical reports, regulatory documents, scientific articles, conference abstracts and other materials on the topic of research. The search for documents was carried out in the databases "Legislation of Ukraine", Web of Science, PsycINFO, Google Scholar and ResearchGate, on the official websites of state and local authorities. Data analysis was carried out in three categories: functioning of boarding schools, problems of children in residential care, deinstitutionalization of boarding schools. The analysis of the boarding school system functioning in Ukraine has proved its unprofitability and inconsistency with the needs of children. Staying in residential institutions negatively affects the mental, intellectual, emotional, speech and physical development of children as well as their ability to social integration and adaptation in society. The success of the deinstitutionalization reform depends on the development of high-quality social services to support families with children at their place of residence, the introduction of alternative forms of family arrangements.

Author Biographies

Hanna Slozanska, HEI “Ukrainian Catholic University”, Lviv

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Pedagogy and Social Work Department,

Nadiia Horishna, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine;

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Special Education and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities,


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How to Cite

Slozanska, H., & Horishna, N. . (2021). FUNCTIONING OF BOARDING SCHOOLS EGATIVE IMPACT ON PUPILS. Social Work and Education, 8(1), 18–41.

