social advertising, social work practice, social prevention service, preventionAbstract
The article considers some aspects of social advertising in Ukraine, describes the main characteristics of social advertising as one of the modern practices in Ukraine, as well as prospects for the development and application of social advertising in professional social work. The types of social advertising, the functions it performs in the system of social work and the tasks it can perform in the future are determined. Theoretical works of domestic and foreign experts, as well as reports on social advertising, reports of the National Council are analyzed. They allow us to conclude that a social worker, through social advertising, can prevent, promote socialization, adaptation, information and improve the social climate in the country, warn society about certain problems and minimize their spread.
The study gives grounds to draw the following conclusions that social advertising is a legally defined form of providing a social prevention service used in modern practice of social work in order to prevent CLC. At the same time, social advertising is not direct propaganda. It is a conversation between a person, a problem and a society; helping a person to solve difficult situations and gaining the ability to look at their own resources in a new way. Such advertising can have a direct real impact on society and life values, work to anticipate difficult situations and help not only the person but also the social worker in solving the tasks. This requires conditions at the state level: increasing the number of outdoor social advertising from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, non-profit organizations, institutions providing social services; differentiation of social advertising from political, commercial advertising and other types of advertising; compliance with the requirements of ethics and responsibility of customers, performers, distributors of social advertising.
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