people with disabilities, social services, rehabilitation, inclusive tourism, social project, social protectionAbstract
According to current trends, the category of people with disabilities is constantly growing, due to the aging population, the spread of disease and deteriorating living conditions. To minimize the negative consequences, it is necessary to pay attention to the socio-cultural and social life of these people. All this is achieved by raising the cultural standard of living, expanding horizons, changing social habits. In more developed countries, attention has long been paid to this problem. Along with physical recovery, the spiritual coexists closely. First of all, the emphasis is on creating a safe and accessible infrastructure and implementing social adaptation programs for people with disabilities. All this can be combined in the means of tourism, including inclusive, aimed at people with disabilities. One of the most important needs of this category of tourists is the safety of tourist travel. This can be explained as well as the safe and accessible location of tourist attractions. And providing a sense of security of the person with a disability. That is, the so-called support in obtaining inclusive tourism services. Although our country has a number of obstacles in the development of a culture of inclusive tourism and the provision of these services. However, there are already many achievements and experiences in the implementation of inclusive tourism and appropriate conditions for people with inclusion, especially people with disabilities, are being actively created and improved. The article highlights the features of the development of inclusive tourism as a social service for people with disabilities. But as a means of social and psychological rehabilitation that helps to return to a full life, establish new social connections, broaden the horizons, acquire new skills and resocialize in society. Social services for the possibility of introducing inclusive tourism in them are analyzed. The relevance of the social service of inclusive tourism for people with disabilities is theoretically substantiated. A content analysis of the experience of implementing inclusive tourism in Ukraine was carried out and the best practices were highlighted. The real state of implementation of inclusive tourism as a means of rehabilitation and social services for people with disabilities is revealed.
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