social work, leader, leadership, theories of leadership, concepts of leadership.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of leadership in the socio-historical development of society. The author studies theoretical and methodological principles of leadership based on the analysis of the different approaches and the theories of leadership. The historical stages of leadership development, change its essence through the prism of the centuries are shown and the most important concepts and theories of leadership are structured and generalized by the author. The evolution of leadership issues is presented in Antiquity, the Middle Age, the Renaissance, Modern and Contemporary epochs. The first attempts at theoretical comprehension of leadership from the «Heroic Tradition» were substantiated thanks to the views and works of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The model of a leader-ruler as a spiritual person endowed with divine abilities through the analysis of the works of St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. The article presents the first original interpretation of the leader, which was proposed by political activist N. Machiavelli. The works of sociologists G. Le Bon and G. Tard about the dominance of the crowd, the ideas of Z. Freud, the history of the creation of "charismatic leadership" M. Weber were investigated. The article briefly demonstrates traditional theories of leadership : the theory of traits (personal theory of leadership); situational theory of leadership; behavioural approach to leadership issues; synthetic (systemic) leadership theory. The theory of transformational leadership by J. Burns and the model of emotional leadership by D. Goleman were studied. The author of the article make conclusion that leadership, as well as society, has undergone significant transformations, in each historical period had its own wording, is a complex, synthetic phenomenon, but at this time remains the most important guarantee of the success of human development. Therefore, its importance and problem remains relevant and it is necessary to continue research on the practical use of the concept of leadership in the future.References
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