


Russian-Ukrainian war, youth, social activity, volunteer activity


The Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in 2014 in the East and continued on February 24, 2022, with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, gave impetus to the development of the social activity of young people in general and volunteering in particular. In the article, based on these surveys, the indicator of social activity of Ukrainians is determined, and the level of volunteer activity during the war is determined separately. The data of the polls of the sociological group "Rating" (Rating Group Ukraine) are presented that 80% of Ukrainians according to the results of the poll on March 8-9, 2022 help defend Ukraine in one way or another: information resistance, continue to work in critical infrastructure, are participants in territorial defense, financial, etc. An important fact is that in the second poll on April 6, 2022, this figure remained constant - 80%. 42% of young people aged 18 to 35 are engaged in volunteering, on March 8-9, 2022 the figure was slightly higher than 46%. However, the rate of financial assistance increased significantly from 45% to 51%, especially among this age group. Young people, as a social group, are not only the bearer of new values, ways of life, and social ideals, but also a group that directly influences the state-building processes ensuring the smooth operation of volunteer organizations, and the work of our army. As of March 19, 2022, 53% of young people have an active life position according to the sixth nationwide survey conducted by the Sociological Group "Rating". 47% of Ukrainians in difficult times of war are ready not only to stay in Ukraine but also to act actively, helping to bring our victory closer. A table with a sample of seven resources is presented, thanks to which you can show your social activity and join volunteering in many areas from fundraising to zoo volunteering. The most important features of volunteering are considered according to the Note of the UN Secretary-General addressed to the Commission on Social Development of the UN Economic and Social Council. The features that, in our opinion, are the most relevant in the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian war are highlighted.

Author Biography

Anastasia Kotelevets, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

PhD Student, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Kotelevets, A. . (2022). SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF YOUTH DURING RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR. Social Work and Education, 9(1), 51–61.

