A social and pedagogical work in the field of health: the Canadian experience





health care, social work, healthy lifestyle, health sphere, Canada


The article deals with the issue of social work in the field of health care. An attempt was made to comprehensively analyze the peculiarities of social work concerning health care in Canada. The purpose of the work is to identify the basics of social work related to health care in Canada and to outline ways of implanting experience in Ukraine. It is noted that the United Nations identifies Canada as "the best country in the world to live in", where the health of citizens is considered a social indicator. It was found that now in Canada social work has become an integral component of the field of health care. The results of the analysis of the current state of social work in health care in Canada indicate that the system of social work in the field of health care in the studied country meets the requirements of the time and follows global trends in the development of the industry. It is positioned as a unique type of professional activity to create social conditions for the health of an individual and increase the well-being of the population in general. It has been studied that the basis of social work in the field of health care in Canada is the system of social protection of the population, education, health care, social services for young people, specialized institutions, and institutions. It was revealed that one of the most important trends in the state of social work regarding health care in Canada is an emphasis on the concept of a new vision of health, which involves the creation of appropriate conditions in society, the promotion of the development of necessary life skills, the participation of communities, the development of the system of providing services in the field of health care health, etc. It was found that there are professional organizations of social work in the studied country, which determine the standards of the industry and the main vectors of training and development of relevant specialists in the field of health care. It has been established that the prevailing idea in Canada is that health is a broader concept than is traditionally believed. It was determined that the greatest focus should be on lifestyle, given that the greatest potential for improving health lies in engaging Canadians in healthy lifestyles. As a result, it was established that the experience of the functioning of the Canadian social work system regarding health care is very useful for Ukraine and can be applied after its appropriate adaptation to Ukrainian realities.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Stadnyk , Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

PhD (sciences in physical education and sports), associate professor of the Department of Physical Education

Oksana Blavt , Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Sc.D. (Education), Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Stadnyk , V., & Blavt , O. . (2022). A social and pedagogical work in the field of health: the Canadian experience. Social Work and Education, 9(3), 392–404. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.22.3.6.

