Digital provision of social and psychological assistance to vulnerable categories of the population


  • Maksym Skochko Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Nazar Salata Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine, Ukraine



Digitization, social and psychological assistance, information and communication technologies, digital transformation, digital social and psychological assistance


The situation that Ukraine is going through is beyond normal human experience. It caused a significant disruption of people's daily life, harm to their health, great human losses, significant material damage, etc. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of digital provision of social and psychological assistance to vulnerable categories of the population to overcome difficulties in the life situation. The article defines the main approaches to the formation of digital provision of social and psychological assistance. It was determined that the development of the system of social and psychological assistance in the conditions of digital transformation is associated with an increase in the role of the state in solving the following social issues: legal provision of social protection of the population, adoption of relevant legislative and regulatory acts, expansion of the spectrum of social subsidies, formation of state programs for solving specific social problems, pension provision, effective social partnership. The question of preserving and restoring social and psychological health, finding resources to prevent the consequences of professional stress in the process of counseling vulnerable categories of the population, who found themselves in difficult life circumstances as a result of military operations, should become a special task for the specialist and the direction of further development of scientific research. The main tasks of socio-psychological assistance are to expand the range of social and personal resources of a person to independently solve emerging problems, overcome difficulties, actualize his creative, intellectual, personal, spiritual and physical capabilities, necessary for getting out of a crisis state, stimulating self-respect and self-confidence.

Author Biographies

Maksym Skochko, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine

PhD of Social Work, Senior Lecturer of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department, Faculty of Social and Psychological Education

Nazar Salata, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine

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How to Cite

Skochko, M., & Salata, N. (2022). Digital provision of social and psychological assistance to vulnerable categories of the population. Social Work and Education, 9(4), 478–486.

