Green tourism in Ukraine, formation, development and prospects




green tourism, prospects, nature management, tourist product, rural touris, ecological route, ecological tour


The article is devoted to the problem of the development of green tourism in Ukraine. Green tourism is an important part of rational nature management, which involves the creation and maintenance of recreational systems, including supporting the development of destinations by improving their ecological and general culture. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the vectors of formation, development and promising directions for the development of green tourism tour products. Research objectives: 1) to identify the relevance of the problem; 2) consider the concepts, features, types and functions of green tourism; 3) study the main determinants of the development of tourism potential in Ukraine; 4) develop proposals regarding the prospects for the development of green tourism on the territory of Ukraine. To achieve the goal of the article, a number of methods of scientific knowledge were used, namely: analysis of scientific literature, induction, deduction, synthesis, generalization, comparison. The development of green tourism requires the implementation of mandatory strategic and territorial planning for each individual territory within the administrative and territorial units of our country, the creation of the necessary infrastructure in rural areas, the implementation of an individual marketing strategy, monitoring the consequences of the growth of tourist flows, the involvement of the local population, and the development of volunteerism. Based on the relationship to green tourism as an economic category, it is possible to define green tourism as a component of the tourism industry, which produces and sells its tourism product and receives profit from it, or as a tourist activity in rural areas that brings profit for the preservation of the natural environment, and also to improve the standard of living of the local population. The most promising direction for improving the green tourism management system at the regional level is the creation of regional tourism administrations. The conducted analysis provides an opportunity to talk about Ukraine as a country that has great potential for the formation of a successful segment of green tourism. The main development problem is the lack of a strategy for the development of green tourism and, as a result, there are no precisely established tasks and goals facing this area. Taking into account the determining importance of green tourism for the development of tourism in Ukraine, it is necessary to create a cluster "Green tourism in rural areas of Ukraine". For these purposes, it is necessary to make changes to the program of the development of inbound and domestic tourism with the establishment of specific tasks and goals that are in the green tourism, with clarification of effective mechanisms for their implementation and a plan of activities for the development of the cluster.

Author Biographies

Nazar Marchyshyn, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (TNTU), Ternopil

PhD in Economics, first category specialist of International Cooperation Office (ICO)

Nadiya Ostrovskaya, Separate subdivision of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine "Berezhany Agricultural Technical Institute"

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Humanitarian Education and Tourism


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How to Cite

Marchyshyn, N. ., & Ostrovskaya, N. . . (2023). Green tourism in Ukraine, formation, development and prospects. Social Work and Education, 9(4), 542–550.

