Challenges of the humanitarian crisis during the war in Ukraine for internally displaced people and other vulnerable groups




humanitarian crisis, internally displaced persons, vulnerable groups


The article examines the challenges associated with the humanitarian crisis against the backdrop of a full-scale war in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on researching the impact of these challenges on internally displaced persons and other vulnerable groups. The purpose of the study is to analyze the issues of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and its impact on internally displaced persons and other vulnerable groups. Accordingly, the following tasks are defined: to reveal the main characteristics of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine; to analyze the challenges related to the impact of the humanitarian crisis on IDPs and other vulnerable groups; to provide recommendations on further solutions to these challenges based on existing practices. The concept of a humanitarian crisis, its signs, and specific signs in the Ukrainian context are analyzed. Statistical data related to the impact of the humanitarian crisis on vulnerable groups are presented and compared. Issues with limited access to help vulnerable groups are analyzed in detail. The specific challenges of the humanitarian crisis for women and children, as well as people with disabilities, are given. The main challenges include loss of access to public services, provision of decent living conditions, employment, and access to education. The impact of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine on the aggravation of crises in other countries and the challenges associated with these processes are studied. The most popular practices for overcoming the humanitarian crisis are considered. The conclusions confirm that the existing practices used by international organizations to overcome the humanitarian crisis are characterized by insufficient efficiency.

Author Biography

Olena Shevchenko, Boris Hrinchenko university, Kyiv

PhD candidate, Department of Social work, Boris Hrinchenko university, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, O. (2023). Challenges of the humanitarian crisis during the war in Ukraine for internally displaced people and other vulnerable groups. Social Work and Education, 10(3), 325–335.

