Reintegration potential of veterans as a factor of successful reintegration of them into society




реінтеграція ветеранів, соцієтальність, досвід бойової діяльності, посттравматичний стресовий вплив, реінтеграційний потенціал, чинники реінтеграції, потреба


The article examines the main components that determine the reintegration potential of veterans. The results of a practical study implemented in the form of a questionnaire of veterans who have experience in the ATO/OS mission and those who had no previous experience of combat operations before a full-scale invasion are presented. A specially conducted survey among members of veterans' families is seen as an important social indicator of the problem. The results of this survey identify the main needs of veterans that make it difficult for them to fully return to civilian life and, accordingly, limit their opportunities for successful reintegration. Special attention is paid to eight key areas of life activity, which are used as a basis for analyzing the impact on society. The purpose of the article is to study the complex of mechanisms of social reintegration of veterans to assess the reintegration potential of a certain category of citizens. The main tasks are defined as follows: to analyze the leading scientific experience on the problem of formulating and researching the concept of "social reintegration of veterans" in the system of categories used in sociology and social work; determine the structure of veterans' reintegration activities, which ensures the harmonious existence of veterans in society; find out the criteria that can be used to assess the reintegration potential of veterans; to determine the main problems of reintegration of veterans and outline ways to solve them. To achieve the goal and solve the identified tasks of the research, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods of research and data processing were used. The conclusions identify the most urgent needs of veterans, the low level of satisfaction of which reduces the reintegration potential of this category of citizens, outline the main problems that need to be solved in order to increase the reintegration potential of veterans. The novelty of the research consists in determining the reintegration potential of veterans based on a societal approach to the assessment of the reintegration process.

Author Biography

Tetiana Zakharina, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Shevchenko Street, 91, Chernihiv, Ukraine 14000


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How to Cite

Zakharina, T. (2023). Reintegration potential of veterans as a factor of successful reintegration of them into society. Social Work and Education, 10(3), 263–275.

