Early intervention in working with children with disabilities: a comprehensive social-rehabilitation service, a functional approach or a support system?





early intervention, children with disabilities, children with developmental disabilities, social rehabilitation services, social services


Today, in Ukraine, more and more attention is paid to early intervention, understanding its necessity in working with children with disabilities and children with developmental disorders or their emergence and their families. However, there is a growing debate about what constitutes early intervention: a comprehensive service, a functional approach or a system of care. Therefore, there is a need to interpret the content and approaches to the implementation of early intervention. The article examines various approaches to understanding the content of early intervention presented by domestic and foreign scientists. It has been found that early intervention is a complex social rehabilitation service, which involves providing qualified assistance to young children with disabilities, developmental disorders or risks of their appearance with the acquisition of basic and/or new skills by an interdisciplinary team of specialists in order to improve their functioning and development, as well as support and supporting families to improve their quality of life. The main groups of skills that specialists work on are identified: physical; cognitive; communicative; socio-emotional; self-help and self-care skills. It was found that early intervention is implemented in the context of individual programs filled with corrective and developmental, physiotherapeutic, medical, social and household, occupational therapy, rehabilitation measures aimed at the development of young children in accordance with the diagnosed types of violations. Implementation of psychological and social-consultative support of parents or official guardians of the child is provided within the framework of the program. Case management is the basic technology of early intervention. Territorially accessible Complex Rehabilitation Centers are providers of the specified service. An individual approach, family-centeredness, systematicity, comprehensiveness, interdisciplinary and accessibility are the basic principles of early intervention.

Author Biographies

Hanna SLOZANSKA, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Head of Special and Inclusive Education Department, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

Iryna KRYNYTSKA, Ukrainian Catholic University

Ph.D., Department of Pedagogy and Social Work, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine

Maksym SKOCHKO, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

PhD of Social Work, Senior Lecturer of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department, Faculty of Social and Psychological Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine


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How to Cite

SLOZANSKA, H., KRYNYTSKA, I., & SKOCHKO, M. (2023). Early intervention in working with children with disabilities: a comprehensive social-rehabilitation service, a functional approach or a support system?. Social Work and Education, 10(4), 503–520. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.23.4.5

