Algorithmization of the provision of social rehabilitation services to children with disabilities in the Cherkask region




social rehabilitation, people with disabilities, rehabilitation services, social rehabilitation services, children with disabilities, social services


The team of authors conducted systematic work on the analysis of the use of the method of nonviolent communication in various areas of social work in Ukraine and other countries of the world. During the research, the team of authors relied on a comprehensive approach, comparative analysis, and a focus group study was conducted, which revealed the need to transform the social service system in this area.

The purpose of the research work is to analyze the prospects for the effective implementation The article describes the provision of social rehabilitation services to children with disabilities. The social aspect of rehabilitation work with children with disabilities is reflected. It was determined that an important role in the process of rehabilitation and adaptation of children with disabilities is played by the joint actions of pedagogical and medical workers of complex rehabilitation centers. The importance of the creation of rehabilitation institutions, the development of social rehabilitation services in united territorial communities, informing people with disabilities about such rehabilitation institutions and the timeliness of receiving them by residents of communities with disabilities in accordance with their individual rehabilitation programs is reflected. The work experience of rehabilitation institutions regarding this aspect of the problem is characterized. It was determined that children with disabilities need increased attention from the state and society, they have the right to development and should have the opportunity to obtain a profession and socialize into society. The purpose of the article is to highlight the algorithmization mechanisms of providing social rehabilitation services to children with disabilities in the Cherkasy region. To achieve the set goal, the research is based on the analysis of scientific works, methods of theoretical generalization, comparison, system approach and system analysis, which provided the opportunity to highlight leading areas of research. The research was carried out within the framework of the project "Research on the development of social rehabilitation services for children with disabilities and their families at the level of territorial communities in the war and post-war periods", financed by the National Research Fund of Ukraine. In our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a trend of increasing the number of children with functional health limitations, the frequency of childhood disability has doubled over the last decade. Disability in children means a significant limitation of life activities, it contributes to social maladjustment, which is caused by difficulties in self-care, communication, learning, mastering professional skills in the future.

Author Biographies

Maksym Skochko, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

PhD of Social Work, Associate Professor of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department, Faculty of Social and Psychological Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

Iryna Krynytska, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv

Candidate of Sociology Science, Acting Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Social Work, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv


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How to Cite

Skochko, M., & Krynytska, I. . (2024). Algorithmization of the provision of social rehabilitation services to children with disabilities in the Cherkask region. Social Work and Education, 11(3), 373–384.

