MSMEs, digital transformation economy during pandemic in Indonesian




Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Digital Transformation, People's Economy, Covid 19 Pandemic


This study aims to determine how Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as a form of people's economic product and digital transformation are able to strengthen the Indonesian economy during the Covid-19 pandemic which is recognized internationally as one of the countries with a strong economy during the pandemic. This study uses documentation in the form of published articles, with the criteria for selecting articles as samples based on publications in nationally accredited journals and international journals indexed by Scopus, then analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Based on the study, it was found that through product diversification strategies, business process innovation, digitalization, and collaboration, MSMEs have been able to survive and even thrive. Increasing digital literacy and access to information technology are the keys to the success of MSMEs in facing future challenges. The government and financial institutions have an important role in supporting MSMEs by providing access to financing, training, and development programs. Recommendations to strengthen the role of MSMEs in the Indonesian economy include : Increasing access to easier and more affordable financing, especially for MSMEs who want to switch to digital business. Increasing training and mentoring programs to improve the competence and capacity of MSMEs. Building a strong and MSMEs-friendly digital ecosystem, by providing online platforms, digital infrastructure, and easily accessible digital services. Strengthening collaboration between MSMEs, government, and private institutions to encourage innovation and product development.

Author Biographies

Eka Hendi Andriansyah, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Surabaya State University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Economic Education, Ketintang Street, Surabaya

WT, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Surabaya State University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Economic Education, Ketintang Street, Surabaya

NCS, Surabaya State University

Surabaya State University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Economic Education, Ketintang Street, Surabaya


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How to Cite

Andriansyah, E. H., Subroto, W. T., & Sakti, N. C. (2025). MSMEs, digital transformation economy during pandemic in Indonesian. Social Work and Education, 11(4), 444–464.

