

specialist of social sphere, competence, project culture, forming, training


The question of forming of project competence of future representatives of social services is exposed in the article (social workers, social teachers, practical psychologists, etc). It is found out as a result of analysis of scientific literature, that a modern specialist of social sphere must be not only professionally trained to future activity but also be able to orientate independently in the stream of up-to-date technologies, decide creatively professional tasks. It is defined that project competence is indissolubly related to project culture, project activity and planning process, shows up in the awareness of sense and meaningfulness of project activity, in having special knowledge, abilities and skills, in grounded choice and optimisation of project decisions in the case of their diversity, in possibility to apply these knowledge and abilities in a concrete professional sphere. It is disclosed the meaning and features of forming of project culture of future representatives of social services during their professional training, the essence and value of project activity, project culture, project competence; it is found out in what spheres the project competence of specialist of social sphere shows up (social and cultural environment (creation of favourable social and cultural space and optimisation of terms of self-development of personality; social group, territories on the whole); way of life (support of separate kinds and directions of activity of personality which help in growth of high-quality indexes of life); spheres of vital functions of personality (educational, leisure, manufacturing, sport, informative, etc). To sum up, the problem of forming of project competence for today is becoming actual for a social sphere, as it answers the necessities of forming of new quality of modern person and development of creative activity of subjects of the process of social defence of population.

Author Biography

Kateryna Petrovska, Berdyanks state pedagogical university

candidate of pedagogical science senior lecturer of social pedagogics department


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How to Cite

Petrovska, K. (2016). FORMING OF PROJECT COMPETENCE FUTURE REPRESENTATIVES OF SOCIAL SERVICES. Social Work and Education, 3(2), 56–62. Retrieved from

