
  • Andrij Parfanovych Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine


youth, modern characteristics of young people, attitudes towards persons of the opposite sex, family policy, public legal base


Young people as an object of family policy have a number of advanced features. Its position defines the general state of social development issues, positive and negative trends. This is supported by research scientists, practitioner’s activities. The study of the status of the youth covers the national, regional and individual levels, each of which the consideration of youth socialization has its own specifics. Needs definition: the general youth issues and the problems, which are inherent for the development and activity of modern youth trends; basic social institutions, on the improvement of social action of which family youth policy should be directed; the ways and conditions of socialization of youth; characteristics of the status of the youth in society. The construction of the new state, the development of young people contributes to the development and implementation of legislative, regulatory and legal framework. This requires prospective analysis of developments in the state in relation to young people, as well as providing the legal framework of family sphere. Since independence, it has been adopted a number of laws, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers, other departments which setup the development and activity of young people, improving their attitudes toward marriage and family. However, significant changes in the attitude of young people of the opposite sex require constant improvement of the legal, social and organizational support in the development of young people as an object of family policy.

Author Biography

Andrij Parfanovych, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

post-graduate student of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department


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How to Cite

Parfanovych, A. (2016). THE CHARACTERISTIC OF YOUTHS’ VIEWS ON PROFESSIONAL CAREER. Social Work and Education, 3(2), 34–41. Retrieved from

