Influence of the system of material flows on the environment of industrial areas




transport component, industrial zone, environmental sustainability, environmental profile, transformation ratio


The object of research is the transport component, as the basic element of the environment of industrial zones. The paper considers an analytical approach to determining the patterns of dependence of the environmental friendliness of the material flow system on the characteristics of the transport component. A model of an intelligent system for managing efficiency and environmental friendliness based on the decomposition of industrial transport complexes into two components, differing in the methods and conditions for the formation of pollution emissions, is proposed: a subsystem of stationary sources and a subsystem of mobile sources.

The obtained results make it possible to highlight a number of features of the nature of the influence of material flows on the environment of industrial zones, grouped into basic analytical groups of threats and development opportunities of the studied object with an average expert rating (e. r.), namely:

– threat group: poor strategic planning of activity and its development (12.8 e. r.); a significant dependence of the financial condition on the volume of orders of several major consumers (9.6 e. r.); weak legal framework governing the environmental safety of the facility (6.6 e. r.); implementation of foreign innovative solutions in the operation of the facility (11.8 e. r.); intensive updating of existing mechanisms of environmental protection (2.8 e. r.);

– opportunity group: staffing opportunities to create a powerful engineering base and professional management team (14.6 e. r.); effective use of information technology (5.6 e. r.); implementation of the functions of city logistics (5.6 e. r.); improving the quality of transport services (10 e. r.); creation of a specialized center for managing the process of ensuring the environmental sustainability of the facility (10 e. r.)

The results of a study of the influence degree of material flows on the environment of an industrial zone confirm the authors' working hypothesis. This hypothesis is based on the consideration of transport systems and the environmental safety of their work, as a whole and the degree of their interaction throughout the entire life cycle of their development.

Author Biographies

Marina Khara, State Higher Education Institution «Priazovskyi State Technical University», 7, Universytetska str., Mariupol, Ukraine, 87555

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transportation Technologies of Industrial Enterprises

Andrii Lyamzin, State Higher Education Institution «Priazovskyi State Technical University», 7, Universytetska str., Mariupol, Ukraine, 87555

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of International Transport and Logistics Technology


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How to Cite

Khara, M., & Lyamzin, A. (2019). Influence of the system of material flows on the environment of industrial areas. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(3(48), 12–19.



Ecology and Environmental Technology: Original Research