Study of the effect of electromagnetic field and radiation on the intensification of brewing processes
electromagnetic irradiation, biological environment, enzyme preparations Termamil and San-Super, amylolytic activityAbstract
The object of research is the enzymatic preparations Termamil and San-Super, malt and yeast. One of the most problematic places is that the action of the magnetic field and radiation can both stimulate the amylase activity of barley malt and cause its deactivation.
During the study, a certain number of electrophysical factors were used, namely: laser radiation, which was carried out using a helium-neon laser, ultraviolet radiation – using a nitrogen gas laser, X-rays, a constant uniform magnetic field, ultrasound.
Results have been obtained that confirm the positive effect of the magnetic field on the activation of the amyloletic activity of concentrated preparations. A study was also conducted in accordance with the effect of electromagnetic waves on the activation of enzymes in barley and wheat malt, which showed a positive effect. This is ensured by the fact that in the course of the study, thanks to experiments, the best duration of irradiation with electromagnetic waves and different types of radiation for enzyme preparations, malt and yeast was found. These methods have a number of features. This is the availability of the appropriate equipment and knowledge of the individual types of rays, magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves, and their potential effects on enzymes, as well as control of the exposure time and magnetic field load.
Due to the action of electromagnetic waves and radiation, for a certain amount of time, it is possible to obtain an increased activity of enzymatic preparations. Compared to the fermentative preparations Termamil and San-Super, malt and yeast, which are not susceptible to the load of magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves and various types of radiation, the fermentative preparations Termamil and San-Super, malt and yeast, which were susceptible to the action of electromagnetic waves, as well as radiation show increased activity of action. At the same time, these preparations reduce the amount of costs and increase the yield of finished products, which will serve as a positive aspect for the economic sphere of the enterprise.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vasilij Sidor, Svitlana Usatiuk, Olena Tyshchenko, Iryna Baranovska

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