About the influence of intercepting parking on traffic flows in Kharkiv
transportation network, parking, traffic flow, traffic modeling, trafficAbstract
At that time the actual direction to reduce traffic load transport networks in the largest cities is organization of "intercepting" parking. This article presents an analysis of the research on the organization of "intercepting" parking in cities. The main steps of the developed technique of investigation of "intercepting" parking influence on the parameters of traffic flow in the city of Kharkov are given. This methodology is based on the modeling of transport streams using a mathematical model of transport network load. According to the simulation results, based on a variation of the flow of "intercept" to "intercepting" parking lots, the mathematical models of changes in the characteristics of traffic flows are developed. The dependence of the total running and the average time of movement on the transport network on the intensity of the use of "intercepting" parking are determined. These models allow making the quantitative estimates of the effect of "intercepting" parking on the characteristics of the traffic flow. The obtained results can be used to justify the feasibility of the organization and the necessary capacity of "intercepting" parking.References
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