Results of examinations of Shabo terroir wines physical-chemical properties




wine, wine materials, terroir Shabo, kinematical viscosity, buffer capacity, electric conductivity


The reliable criteria able to show the naturalness of wine products are physical-chemical properties such as kinematical viscosity, buffer capacity, and electrical conductivity. Hereby we examined the samples of white stems, champagnes (Aligote, Green Sauvignon, Rhine Riesling, Rose Traminer, Chardonnay, Telti-Kuruk, Rkatsiteli, Pinot Noir “of white method”) and red (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot) wine materials of LLC “Production and trading wine company Shabo” in purpose to determine the following criteria: kinematical viscosity, buffer capacity, electric conductivity. The correlative dependency between buffer capacity, electric conductivity and viscosity was established.

The examination results showed the values of the researched calculated correlations are within the range provided for wine materials and wines of Ukraine, but differing with more narrow variation subrange, that is specific peculiarity of wine production zone. The adjustment of value ranges of quality properties of wine materials and wines is possible in the process of additional examinations of new sample batches of LLC “Production and trading wine company Shabo”.

Author Biography

Элдар Жораевич Иукуридзе, LLC «Production and trading wine company Shabo», Lidersovsky Blvd., 3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65014

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chairman of the Board


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How to Cite

Иукуридзе, Э. Ж. (2015). Results of examinations of Shabo terroir wines physical-chemical properties. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(4(22), 19–22.



Technologies of food, light and chemical industry