Golobokov S. A. To be competitive, education must be effective.


  • Станислав Алексеевич Голобоков ГВУЗ «ПГТУ», г. Мариуполь, Ukraine




competitiveness, education, efficiency, awareness, knowledge, thinking, intellect, educational training, educational collapse, ground truth, educational process.


Low competitiveness of higher education in Ukraine is supported by many reasons. If we are limited only to internal reasons, to improve the situation it is necessary to pay attention to the core of the educational process, that is what are the students taught how to teach them. In practice, it has been established that the main educational aim is mastering of knowledge and development of students` abilities – as it will. He gets those skills, and to the extent that develop his intelligence. The ceiling is too low the main goal – the main obstacle for the development of an educational system focused on memorization polished texts, not the meaning of the subject matter and its active absorption. To become attractive to everyone (the market of educational services, students, companies) educational institution (Academy, University, College, etc.) have to do 2 steps.  Step 1. The basic setting of this step is the following: to consider the logical sequence of everything that is associated with the concepts of "efficiency" and "competitiveness". Without the creation of effective organization of educational process it is impossible to be competitive. To achieve competitiveness is, first of all, to achieve efficiency. The first step is to create the conditions for the effectiveness of its educational system. For a specific University, there are five of them: 1. the independence of the student expressed as a share in total number of hours of study of the subject; 2. open access to information, containing knowledge of chosen student of the profession; 3. the extension of thinking of students; 4. developmental education; 5. the use of the Internet, the computerization of education. Step 2. Terms of an effective system are transformed into an educational system in which effective learning of any subject requires knowledge of: 1. the aims of the educational process that focus on effective teaching; 2. ways of improving awareness, lays in a person's thinking ability to see the object of study proportionate to the complexity and diversity that is the basic condition for the effectiveness of any of his transformations; 3. educational ideas for the effective teaching and learning. 4. organization and management, support the effectiveness of the educational process.

Author Biography

Станислав Алексеевич Голобоков, ГВУЗ «ПГТУ», г. Мариуполь

доцент кафедры учета и аудита,  доцент, к. э. н.


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