Urinary incontinence in women: some aspects of the problem by the data of social questioning
urinary incontinence, age, social status, place of residence, frequency, conditions of urine lossAbstract
The work represents the results of analysis of 9928 questionnaires from women above 18 years old who had disorders of urination and were selected by this sign out of the total number (19094) of interrogated ones during social inquiry that was of anonymous character and covered all regions of Ukraine. The aim of this work was to determine the frequency, peculiarities, types, conditions of urinary incontinence (UI). The age and place of residence were also taken into consideration. The performed investigation allowed to make up the social profile of women with urinary incontinence, that was displayed by the results of distribution by their education, social status, age, place of residence. There were revealed specificities in the duration of urinary incontinence: among those who has them during the last year were more towns-dwellers at the age of 40–49 years, while among country women prevailed cases with duration e” 5 years at the age of 60 and above. With age, the frequency and degree of severity of urinary incontinence grow up: about 75 % of cases were seen at day time, among half of those above 60 years of age twenty-four hours a day. Among conditions of loss of urine, the first place belongs to physical efforts. They, together with a change of body position, were more often seen in answers of women living in rural areas. Compared with urban women, the percentage of the urgent component is larger. The obtained indirectly oriented age distribution of women by type of urinary incontinence is consistent with the known literature data.References
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