Morphofunctional state of the ureter wall in the experimental modeling of uretherolithiasis
urolithiasis, ureterolithiasis, pathomorphological changesAbstract
The aim of the study was to study at the light-optical level the pathomorphological changes in the histological structure of the ureter wall in an experiment. The model was reproduced on 16 mongrel rabbits with further morphological examination of the ureteral wall in the obstruction zone on the 7th–8th and 12th–14th days. With the duration of standing of the calculus in the ureter more than 7–8 days there are additional risks of traumatization of the ureter’s wall and the possibility of complications development in endoscopic treatment of ureterolithiasis. By the 12th day, the changes are more pronounced and more prevalent, which significantly increases the likelihood of trauma to the ureter wall and may become an additional factor of complications in all periods of treatment of ureterolithiasis. Given the severity of changes in the ureter’s wall, these dates require the appropriate duration of use of the ureteral stents, which play the role of protectors and contribute to the optimal restoration of the layers of the ureter wall, protect against the formation of strictures and ureteral lumen deformations at long-term treatment. The prolonged standing of the stone in the ureter is an additional factor that requires the use of medical techniques that minimally injure the ureter wall, in particular laser lithotripsy, regardless of the size, localization and density of the stone.References
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