K. Novikova. Competitiveness of the enterprise: essence and content.


  • Крістіна Володимирівна Новікова Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, м. Київ, Ukraine




competition, competitive environment, competitive advantages, competitiveness, factors of competitiveness.


The article determines that the theoretical basis of competitiveness is competition, which, given the multifaceted nature of manifestations, is determined by the diversity of approaches to its characteristics. "Competition" is a term used in a number of values. A lot of different models have been developed, each of which was substantiated by one or another "label" of competition and characterizes its separate aspects. It is noted that the realization of the main task of competition - the conquest of the market, it is possible under the condition of competent competitive policy on the basis of mobilization of the main competitive advantages, which are one of the most important components of competition. It is explored and determined, on the basis of already existing definitions of “competitive advantage» that this category should correspond to the following characteristics: firstly, the competitive advantage of an enterprise can not be identified with the factors of competitiveness; and secondly, the competitive advantage is the level of effective use of all available resources at the disposal of the company, which creates for the firm a certain advantage over its direct competitors; thirdly, the competitive advantages must enable the company to adapt to the ever changing conditions of the external and internal environment; fourthly, the competitive advantage is a complex hierarchical system that integrates values that have become the source of gaining benefits at all levels and directions of enterprise activity; fifth, the competitive advantage is the magnitude of the comparative, and therefore relative, rather than absolute, because it can only be assessed by comparing the characteristics that affect the economic result of the enterprise. It was found that a clear definition of the competitive advantages of an enterprise in its operation in any competitive environment is the basis and the main criterion for the formation of competitiveness, because the competitiveness of the enterprise is a complex economic category, which should reflect the actual availability of competitive advantages and strategic directions of their use under the influence of factors the external environment and taking into account the factors of the internal environment and all this is a set of interrelated elements in general management system competitiveness of the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Новікова, К. В. (2017). K. Novikova. Competitiveness of the enterprise: essence and content. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 201–207. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.129154


