O.Y.Mints, O.V.Khadzhinova. Modern methods of data mining in financial and credit.


  • А Ю Минц
  • Е В Хаджинова




Data Mining, Deductor, data analysis, debt collection scoring, logistic regression.


The article analyzes the modern methods of mathematical analysis of the dependence in financial data. Reviewed software products to automate data analysis, and considered an example of using modern tools to solve the problem of data analysis in the debt collection scoring.


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How to Cite

Минц, А. Ю., & Хаджинова, Е. В. (2017). O.Y.Mints, O.V.Khadzhinova. Modern methods of data mining in financial and credit. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (22), 149–156. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.22.2011.21406