Vereskun M. V. Justification of the choice of solutions for implementing information systems in industrial enterprises


  • М. В. Верескун Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



decision-making, information system, setrate, efficiency of implementation, the risk


In the work of the methodical approach to the justification and selection decisions on the introduction of information systems into the practice of industrial enterprises. The essence of the proposed approach is that the procedure of justification and selection decisions on the introduction of information systems in industrial enterprises, it is proposed to carry out in three stages using the methods of multicriteria analysis, statistical and expert methods. In the first stage using the interactive method of the displaced ideal among the many options are selected the two most acceptable. The main advantage of this method is the use of methods of multi-criteria analysis in fuzzy multiple setting that allows you to apply the mathematical apparatus for solving semi-structured problems. In the second stage, using the compilation of statistical and expert methods, a quantitative risk assessment on each project selects the project with minimal risk. The third stage is to check the company on the possibilities of adopting an appropriate level of risk and make a final decision about the introduction of a specific version of the information system. For this purpose we use a relative measure, is calculated by comparing the amount of own funds of the enterprise (including depreciation) to the calculated risk value. If the resulting value is greater than or equal to 0.5, the implementation of the selected IP is considered too risky. To simplify the transition from theoretical developments to practical implementation of the methodological approach this article generated algorithms for the implementation of each stage of the developed methodological approach, which specify the use of different methods in the process of justification and selection decisions. The use of the developed approach will improve the quality and efficiency of management decisions.


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How to Cite

Верескун, М. В. (2015). Vereskun M. V. Justification of the choice of solutions for implementing information systems in industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 396–403.