Ligonenko L. Technological development of the enterprise as an object of control.


  • Лариса Олександрівна Лігоненко Київський національний економічний університет ім. В.Гетьмана, м.Київ., Ukraine



technological development, technological capabilities, technological competitiveness, technological development forms that make up the process of technological development


On the basis of critical analysis of the existing interpretations of the term "technological development" and related concepts there are defined its essential characteristics and proposed the definition of the author – a purposeful, constantly organized process of irreversible changes in technological economic processes, which cause corresponding development of: the fixed assets (which ensure their feasibility ); personnel (who implement and use them); intangible assets (which identify their creation or use); all of them enable to provide technological competitiveness of the enterprise and development of the market of technologies on the whole. It is described the essence of the development which is viewed as the process of transformation of the existing technological capacity into the implemented one. There are determined the effects (signs) of technological development in tangible view and in line with the results of management. There are structured and described the content of specific stages of technological development: preparation (intellectual support), basic (which incorporates such stages as: initiation of technologies (the proper one or on the basis of transfer of technologies), materialization of technology and personalization of technology) and the final one – commercialization of technology in one’s proper business activities or in their transfer (donor) of technologies. Such forms of technological development as research, legal, recipient, tangible, personnel, food and donor were selected. There are given reasons for the priority to manage technological development as a component of economic management of the enterprise in current conditions.


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How to Cite

Лігоненко, Л. О. (2016). Ligonenko L. Technological development of the enterprise as an object of control. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 63–69.


