Shchetinina L., Rudakovа S. The quality of youth life and their impact on education: a qualitative and quantitative measurement.


  • Людмила Валеріївна Щетініна Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Київський національний економічний університет імені імені Вадима Гетьмана», м. Київ, Ukraine
  • Світлана Григорівна Рудакова Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Київський національний економічний університет імені імені Вадима Гетьмана», м. Київ, Ukraine



motivational installation, migration of young people, training for a doctorate postgraduate studies, youth health


It is substantiated the importance of studying the impact of the quality of young people life to higher education and science system. This influence is proposed to evaluate on the basis of objective and subjective indicators. The first group of indicators characterizes the state of young people's participation in education and science, and the second - the quality of young people life. During the period 2010-2013 the number of those who studied in higher education institutions was constantly decreasing and the decrease in 2013 was at 18.4% compared to 2010. This is because, firstly, the decrease in this period the number of young people in the population; secondly, the annual growth of the number of young Ukrainians who want to study abroad; thirdly, not everyone can pay for a college education. Sociological studies enable us to determine the motivation of young people to education, professional self-determination issues, assess the availability and quality of education. The number of young students in doctoral and post-graduate course for the period 2010-2013. also decreased by 10.2%. General trends in graduate education of young people is its greatest popularity (86-90% of young people) in the period after the completion of training in high school and 24 years, as well as the greatest number of young people (91-92%) is to work in high school and beyond. The reason for this is the ability to solve the problems of employment at the university directly. Youth Doctoral Education has several other features. The number of doctoral students increased with age - from 25 to 30-34 years. The relationship between teaching at the university and research institutions in favor of SRI - 20-30% and 70-80%, respectively, due to the presence of a large experimental database for writing doctoral theses.


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How to Cite

Щетініна, Л. В., & Рудакова, С. Г. (2016). Shchetinina L., Rudakovа S. The quality of youth life and their impact on education: a qualitative and quantitative measurement. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 70–76.


