Bukharina L.M., Tytarchuk D.I. Supply chain’s rationalization in maintenance system of industrial enterprise.


  • Людмила Михайлівна Бухаріна Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Запорізький національний університет», Ukraine
  • Дмитро Ігорович Титарчук Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Запорізький національний університет», Ukraine




construction materials, logistics, stages, choice of supplier, ensuring uninterrupted.


Maintenance management is the first step on the way through the entire range of logistic operations of industrial enterprises. The article deals with the maintenance system’s management in terms of the supply chain’s rationalization, its stages. Maintenance management is aimed at supply chains rationalization in space and time and solvation at least the three following issues: focus on more profitable types of resources, unification of the used resources range, supply optimization by improving the process of material resources procurement and organization of optimal purchases. Business process of supply optimization by improving the process of material resources procurement and organization of optimal purchases is connected with such problems as faint forecasting of resources consumption’s intensity, deliveries delay, ineffective control of existing inventory, amiss determination of optimal order size. The question of the necessity to purchase materials of the best quality at the best price, from reliable suppliers, which are supposed to be the company’s partners, arises. Choosing a supplier, indicators rating system, which can determine the correctness of the choice is to be used. Development of an effective inventory management system is the key to the successful business functioning in terms of economic limitations. Supply chain’s rationalization in maintenance system of industrial enterprise significantly depends on the degree of how maintenance is agreed with industrial consumption of material resources and how assortment, quality and technological form of supplied resources meets the requirements of the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Бухаріна, Л. М., & Титарчук, Д. І. (2016). Bukharina L.M., Tytarchuk D.I. Supply chain’s rationalization in maintenance system of industrial enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 103–110. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.31.2016.104614


