Kalynyna A. Estimation of structural changes in the economy of the regions of Ukraine.


  • Анна Геннадіївна Калініна каф. Менеджменту та підприємництва на морському транспорті, Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




s tructural changes, complex development of region, cluster of regions, specialisation of regions, absolute and relative changes


Necessity of research of structural shifts in the economy for the construction of the absolutely new structure of the economy and the growth of regional competition are given in the article. After considering the existing approaches concerning the definition of the changes in the structure of the areas (oblast), the absence of methodical recommendations as for their application in the management for the substantiation of decisions concerning modelling of the corresponding policy of the complex development of the regions of Ukraine has been found out. It is noticed that when estimation is effected, such systems of indicators are applied: absolute that represent a difference between the relative share of the areas and relative, as a ratio of the relative share of the areas. It is offered to use indicators of a variation, fluctuation of pure gains and increase rates of the relative share of the separate parts of the whole concerning a generalizing estimation of the structural shifts. The estimation of the structural shifts of areas on the example of 27 administrative and territorial units of Ukraine on the basis of absolute and relative indicators is effected. On the basis of the calculated indicators there has been made the cluster analysis with the use of statistical program SPSS Statistics. Statistical characteristics which confirm the importance and reliability of the received data are presented in the article. The grouping of the regions by structural shifts indicators has allowed to establish the dependence of structural shifts dynamics and the level of the regional complex development. The more stable the structure of the economy relatively to the structural shifts, the higher is the level of the complex development of the region and vice versa. Structural shifts which occur in the economy can lead to various deformations and break an optimality principle - a basis for the complex development of the region. Thus, there is a necessity for regulation of these processes both on the national and regional levels.


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How to Cite

Калініна, А. Г. (2016). Kalynyna A. Estimation of structural changes in the economy of the regions of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 184–188. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.31.2016.104852


