Lyubchuk O.K. Monitoring the effectiveness of marketing activity of the factory of steel industry (for example, JSC "MMK im. Ilyich").


  • Ольга Костянтинівна Любчук Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



monitoring, marketing effectiveness, performance, creativity, quality, accuracy and performance in the period, innovation, team competitive, psychological climate, the target audience of consumers, estimation of budget, image


In the article the problem of determining the economic efficiency of marketing of the company. It was found that isn’t enoght studied the level of formation of creativity approach of personnel marketing structures to the efficiency of their operations. Was used method of improving market structures and assess their effectiveness. This technique can detect the level of formation performance by expert evaluation. Studied the levels of performance of marketing activities: formation of creativity; quality of marketing activities; competitive marketing service; performance in term of marketing activities; use the target audience of consumers; precision marketing training events; formation team; psychological climate in the team; innovative marketing activities; creating an image; staff knowledge of marketing service; activities marketing service market research products; budget size marketing activities; prospects of marketing services.The study showed that the effectiveness of marketing service on a number of indicators is insufficient. Such a performance assessment of the amount of budget marketing, innovative marketing activities, quality of marketing activities, marketing service competitiveness should be improved.


  1. Бабаев М.Ю. – оглы. Экономическая эффективность организации маркетинговой деятельности / М.Ю. – оглы Бабаев//Вопросы экономики и права. – 2011. -№12. – С.161 – 165.



How to Cite

Любчук, О. К. (2016). Lyubchuk O.K. Monitoring the effectiveness of marketing activity of the factory of steel industry (for example, JSC "MMK im. Ilyich"). REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 232–242.


