Derevianko T., Gubskaya N., Kapranov M. Estimation of innovative potential and its use in the management of metallurgical enterprise.


  • Тамара Антонівна Дерев'янко Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь., Ukraine
  • Наталія Губська ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь., Ukraine
  • Максим Капранов ГВУЗ «ПГТУ», Ukraine



innovative potential, innovative business, indicators, evaluation methods, management.


In accordance with the priority of the state policy of Ukraine's entry into the EU in the article the necessity of research and development of domestic enterprises, SP, providing manufacturing business persistent competitive position in the European and world markets. The study of existing evaluation methods SP enterprises led to the conclusion that the domestic authors practically do not take into account the level of development of innovation infrastructure in the region of the dislocation enterprises in evaluating the IP. The authors of the economically developed countries take into account the impact of the innovation infrastructure, but only it is in the form of individual indicators without combining their group. In the article was given the preference to a method in which a model was proposed, which includes internal and external SP component given the impact of external innovation infrastructure to SP enterprises. The chosen method was tested in the calculation of SP of large metallurgical enterprises. Quantitative values of the SP indicators were obtained expert method, where is experts were leading specialists of the investment department of the investigated companies. The generalizing indicator values were reduced to the integrated indicator, taking into account their weight values obtained by solving linear equations for the better reflect the outcome of calculation. The quantitative values of SP and its components will allow management to make informed decisions regarding the company's strategic development and strengthening their competitiveness in foreign markets high-quality products. Proposed and approved method for calculating SP can be used to assess the innovative potential of industrial and non-industrial enterprises, but open to further investigations are still problems associated with deeper detail components of SP enterprises.


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How to Cite

Дерев’янко, Т. А., Губська, Н., & Капранов, М. (2016). Derevianko T., Gubskaya N., Kapranov M. Estimation of innovative potential and its use in the management of metallurgical enterprise. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 285–290.


