Samsonova L. Regulation of contractual arrangements at national and international levels.


  • Лілія Валеріївна Самсонова Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, м. Київ., Ukraine



intellectual property, contractual relations, international organization, international agreements, GATS, MIGA, foreign economic activity, TNC.


The current research systemizes basic documents governing contractual relations internationally, in fact there were adduced its characteristics, described the main areas of influence. It was determined the role of investment contracts as a regulator of contractual relations, it was also stated, that if FDI are accompanied by contractual relations. This article discovers the role of the GATS in case of contractual agreement regulation, first of all through the mechanism of barriers reduction designed to trade in services. It should be noted that, since contractual relations include intellectual property aspect, international agreements concerning intellectual property protection issues could be applied to contractual relationships regulation. Moreover, is was highlighted an exceptional role of International organizations. Within the research of the organizations there were described the most powerful of them, that have direct impact on contractual relations development process. Meanwhile, special attention was paid to the regulation of contractual relations in the context of global value chain of TNCs, specified the key international agreements which regulate both the TNC’s activity directly and contractual relations indirectly. Besides, due to a separate analysis of legislation in Ukraine in the foreign economic activity sphere, there were identified the laws and other normative acts governing in Ukraine certain types of contractual relationships and defined the nature of contractual relations in accordance with national legislation.


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How to Cite

Самсонова, Л. В. (2016). Samsonova L. Regulation of contractual arrangements at national and international levels. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 297–303.


