Mamatova L. Formation of the matrix of strategies to ensure the financial-investment potential of industrial enterprises.


  • Лейла Шаміліївна Маматова Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



financial and investment potential, financial and investment stability, integrale valuation, matrix, software, coefficients, indicators, strategies, model.


The article describes the process of interaction between financial and investment sustainability and integrated assessment of the financial and investment potential of the enterprises by the criteria and principles for the evaluation of these indicators. The methods of evaluation that allows for a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the financial and investment potential based on different indicators grouped into blocks and assessment of the risk level. Due to normative values calculated integral index and limits index. Depending on the actual level of possible influencing factors considered, that in the future it possible to determine the most important factors and build a valuation model. On the basis of two parameters estimation of financial and investment potential, namely, integrated assessment and financial stability of the investment potential offered to the matrix selection strategies for financial and investment potential of the example of the industrial enterprises. The study proved that the optimal financial and investment model of sustainable economic development can be built using a synergistic effect: the interaction of financial and investment sustainability and profitability, liquidity and profitability, as well as business activity, when combined size of self-financing, debt financing and cost savings economies of scale that technically ensures the recovery of the financial and investment sustainability through indicators presented. Formation of financial and investment potential in the framework of a strategy aimed at restoring the steady state enterprises, including as a result of the investment. And includes the effect of the combined action of financial and investment instruments, the combination of current and strategic needs and norms of their coverage with the release of current and fixed assets and liabilities. A model of the formation of a strategy for financial and investment potential, which allows to establish a correspondence management policy at the enterprise, the future conjuncture services market and market conditions.


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How to Cite

Маматова, Л. Ш. (2016). Mamatova L. Formation of the matrix of strategies to ensure the financial-investment potential of industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 304–314.


