Bondaruk Yu. Improving the management of innovative development of machine-building enterprises.


  • Юлія Василівна Бондарук ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



innovative development, machine building, modeling, algorithm, management, method.


Study of innovative development of machine-building enterprises has shown the crisis situation of the enterprises. The decline is due to the decline in demand for domestic innovative activity of machine-building production, because the main markets were Russian. The worsening economic and political situation in the country does not allow machine-building enterprises to grow and be competitive. Therefore, implementation of a comprehensive innovation is an important factor in successful business initiatives at machine-building enterprises. Using enterprise modeling is an important component in decision-making. Each of the models is aimed at solving specific problematic elements that can occur in the company during its activities. A methodical approach to the assessment of the necessity and possibility of innovative development of machine-building enterprises, calculated on the set of parameters describing the basic parameters of the enterprise innovation activities, will determine the level of innovative development of various enterprises, analyze the dynamics of the level of innovative development and on this basis to develop measures to improve the situation. Events for management decision-making on innovative activity are developed algorithm.


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How to Cite

Бондарук, Ю. В. (2016). Bondaruk Yu. Improving the management of innovative development of machine-building enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 99–104.


