Klenin O. The structural model of "competence portfolio" of strategic consulting in the national innovation system infrastructure.


  • Олег Володимирович Кленін ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine




consulting, strategic consulting, competence, portfolio of competences, innovative system, consulting services.


The article deals with the theoretical aspects of the concept of "competence" and "competence" in accordance with the position of the resource-based approach to management. Concepts of interdependence of competence and expertise for strategic consulting were established and they are not synonymous, but they complement each other in the development of the control system. It was determined that the competence of the consultant is the level of educational preparation needed for the solution of tasks given to an experienced specialist. At the same time, the level of efficiency of the tasks will depend on the competencies that are valuable for the company relative to its competitors, and provide access to different markets in order to increase competitiveness. In the author's view the key competence of expert scientists and practitioners consultants consulting of  company should be presented in the form of a "portfolio of competences". It is proved that in determining the competencies of the company include, as a rule, the strengths of the company's employees, the degree of efficiency of use of abilities in the interest of the company, the quality of the organization and the coordination of individual efforts. It is proposed to constitute the "competence portfolio" include the following competences: integrative; sotsialno psychological; organizational; information technology. The author of the formed structural model of "competence portfolio" of strategic consulting in the infrastructure of the national innovation system "strategic consulting", which is an individual type of organization of subject-specific knowledge consultants (academics and practitioners), which should correspond to the ability to form and implement effective operational and strategic decisions in the process of provision of consulting services. With this approach, the structural model "portfolio of competences" Strategic Consulting creates competitive advantages in the control system of innovative development of enterprises and the impact on their competitive positioning.


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How to Cite

Кленін, О. В. (2016). Klenin O. The structural model of "competence portfolio" of strategic consulting in the national innovation system infrastructure. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 159–165. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.32.2016.105353


