Makazan E. Direct-mail as a powerful direct marketing tool.


  • Євгенія Василівна Маказан Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Україна, Ukraine



direct marketing, direct mail, mail.


This article has considered  one of the tools of the direct marketing such as a  direct mail, through which the company can build a successful direct marketing communications “producer – consumer”. Direct mail has tremendous power of persuasion. It can be used for small transactions and large transactions. Direct mail was, remains and will remain a powerful marketing tool. The following conclusions: the direct mail appeals have significant advantages in the formation of customer loyalty, as directed at a specific target audience, they are using personal appeal to potential and existing clients that are confidential; the efficiency of direct mail activities depends on the correct choice of the target audience, the relevance of customer database, the correct timing of direct mail campaigns and creativity most appeals to consumers; the basic requirements for direct advertising appeal are: simplicity, clarity, transparency, availability in the advertisement a direct appeal to the consumer and clearly defined position of the goods; the direct mail allows resort to both rational and emotional forms of advertising. Technology direct mail is a powerful weapon in the competition. It can help you attract new customers, expand their business and earn high incomes.


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How to Cite

Маказан, Є. В. (2016). Makazan E. Direct-mail as a powerful direct marketing tool. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 197–203.


