Nazarov V. Financial infrastructure impact on competitiveness in modern business.


  • Вугар Назаров Азербайджанский Университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку, Azerbaijan



competitiveness, import substitution, modern entrepreneurship, GDP, investments.


In the article the author points out that at the moment the country is taking steps to consistent implementation of economic reforms, improve the business environment, the development of non-oil sector on a par with oil. Therefore, at the present stage of development of the state implemented protectionist policies to protect domestic producers from foreign competition and the policy of import substitution. Therefore, attraction of foreign investments into the economy of the country is an important part of the strategy of economic development of Azerbaijan. The economic development of the country in recent years has contributed to the growth of interest of foreign countries in investing long-term investments in Azerbaijan's economy. All this testifies to the fact that Azerbaijan's economy is currently being integrated into the world economy, including foreign investment. Implements the state program on socio-economic development of regions, the non-oil sector of the economy. It should be noted that the geographical location, hydrocarbon reserves, the rich resources of precious metals and building materials, as well as a favorable climate for agriculture and tourism creates many opportunities for local and foreign investors. In the current economic conditions the survival and development of a business entity depends on its level of competitiveness. The high competitiveness of the company is a guarantee of high returns in market conditions. Thus, the geographical position, hydrocarbon reserves, the rich resources of precious metals and building materials, as well as a favorable climate for agriculture and tourism creates many opportunities for local and foreign investors.


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How to Cite

Назаров, В. (2016). Nazarov V. Financial infrastructure impact on competitiveness in modern business. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 216–223.


