Logutova T. Innovative projects as a tool to solve environmental problems of industrial cities.


  • Тамара Григорівна Логутова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Маріуполь, Ukraine




innovative, project, environmental, problems, industrial, household, waste, tools.


The ecological problems of industrial cities are investigated in the article. The reasons for their occurrence, the nature of accumulated waste are revealed. It is determined that industrial city waste is divided into: industrial, domestic, sewage and industrial-waste water. On the example of the city of Mariupol, sources of accumulation, ways of recycling and processing of wastes are considered. The main sources of industrial wastes are the two metallurgical plants of PJSC "MMK im. Ilyich "and PJSC" MK "Azovstal". Household waste is disposed of in garbage dumps in the city of Mariupol. Currently in the city of Mariupol there are two legalized garbage sites with a total area of more than 7 hectares. One polygon has already been mothballed, and the second, which has expired long ago, continues to be used. Polygons do not meet sanitary and ecological requirements. The features of these polygons are that they contain both industrial and domestic waste. The author of the article believes that innovative environmental projects are an instrument for solving environmental problems.  The analysis showed that the metallurgical plants for the period 2012-2016. Implemented about 10 innovative projects related to the introduction of environmentally friendly energy-saving technologies and equipment. The analysis of the results of the implemented projects testifies to a considerable (in several tens times) reduction of dust, harmful gases, carbon monoxide, sulfurous anhydride and iron oxides emissions. In addition to reducing harmful emissions, the implementation of projects makes it possible to obtain economic benefits from recycling metallurgical waste, in particular, slags and slimes. A radical approach to solving environmental problems is the implementation of innovative environmental projects and, first of all, the project to create and put into operation a plant for the processing of industrial and domestic waste, which will not expand the landfill area and make more efficient use of the city's land resources.


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How to Cite

Логутова, Т. Г. (2016). Logutova T. Innovative projects as a tool to solve environmental problems of industrial cities. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 297–300. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.32.2016.105598


