P. Korenyuk. Natural resource rent and legal basis of use of natural resource.





natural, resources, rent, use, reproduction, legal, responsibility.


Now the natural environment requires comprehensive protection and protection against endangering degradation and total contamination, the terrible depletion of certain types of natural resources. The state, through economic incentives for improving the quality of natural resources, should influence the private sector of the resource to rationalize the use of natural resources. Legal protection is a technological and economic direction. Owners of natural objects (state or private sector) are monopolists in establishing and regulating the order of use, protection and expanded reproduction of natural resources. The Constitution of Ukraine consolidated the legal rights of property and private property to natural objects with the right to own land, mineral resources, water, forests. The mechanism of environmental responsibility does not depend on the system of interests and economic incentives. Real transition to paid nature management on the basis of calculation and use of natural resource rent, construction of an effective system of ecological analysis. The interdependence and interdependence of the mechanism of mutual responsibility, which are closely related to the environmental and economic interests, incentives and economic mechanism of nature use can be displayed using such an approximate scheme: the act of the economic and legal mechanism of environmental responsibility in the system of the economic mechanism of nature management; economic mechanism of nature use; incentives and motives for the realization of interests; ecological, social, economic and legal needs; efficiency and final results of nature management; ecological, social and economic and legal interests of enterprises, industries, regions, individuals, the state, society as a whole; purposefulness; ecological-economic and economic-legal behavior of operating entities (environmental, economic and legal relations), a systemic economic and legal mechanism of environmental responsibility. It is expedient to effectively attract natural resource rent for the implementation of the system of measures for the extended reproduction of natural resources, in particular the fertility of productive lands.


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How to Cite

Коренюк, П. І. (2017). P. Korenyuk. Natural resource rent and legal basis of use of natural resource. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.128852


