V. Kolosok, M. Biriukov. Analysis of approaches to the formation of economic mechanisms for managing supply chains.





logistics management, business process, supply chain, competency approach, key competencies, mechanism.


In the concept of supply chain management, integration is seen as a process of interaction between participants in the supply chain, aimed at achieving common goals by expanding and deepening economic ties. The integrated delivery is based on the joint use of resources, the pooling of capital and the creation of an enabling partnership. The combination of various functional areas of logistics and their participants complements the interaction of the focus company with business partners - suppliers of raw materials and materials, buyers of finished products and various intermediaries. Managing the logistics processes of supply chains, including several business partners, is a complex process that requires effective management mechanisms. Expansion of the supply chain through integration and cooperation, although accompanied by an increased risk of reducing management control and separation of responsibilities, nevertheless brings many benefits to customers, contractors and consumers. The article reveals the main elements of the concept of supply chain management. The characteristics of the main SCM business processes are presented. Approaches to the definition of supply chain management are presented and characterized. The application of the competence approach and the prerequisites of its use for increasing the efficiency of logistics management is substantiated. The main key competences of the supply chain management process and their weighted scores are proposed. The use of key competencies for the development of an evaluation basis for the effectiveness of the supply chain management mechanism is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Колосок, В. М., & Бірюков, М. (2017). V. Kolosok, M. Biriukov. Analysis of approaches to the formation of economic mechanisms for managing supply chains. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 313–319. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.129314


