O. Kupchishina. Features of state regulation in the agrarian sector.


  • Ольга Анатоліївна Купчишина Миколаївський національний аграрний університет, м. Миколаїв, Ukraine




government regulation, economic policy, agriculture, food market, agricultural policy.


The article proved that the formation of a competitive agricultural sector needs to create an effective mechanism regulation focused on the main criteria of the industry - efficiency. Currently there is no single approach to public value and market levers in the mechanism of regulation of agricultural economy. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of economic science is the theoretical justification interaction of market self-regulation and government regulation. Ukraine is a country with the lowest level of state support conditions of reproduction in agriculture per 1 hectare of arable land. But modern agricultural sector is a strategic sector for Ukraine as effective mechanisms of state regulation and state support are essential for innovations. We determined that the mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural sector - a set of actions, forms and methods of influence on the agricultural sector entities to ensure Economo-socio-environmental performance industry. This approach predetermined specific agricultural sector can not be considered only as an economic entity. After all, the industry has a distinct socio-ecological characteristics that must be considered when study of measures of state regulation of the industry. The whole set of specific features of the agricultural sector can be divided into the following groups: biological and spatial characteristics; a combination of direct reproduction cycle of agriculture and rural areas; demand for the agricultural sector has a relatively low elasticity, therefore food market is not self-regulating and objectively requires government regulation. World experience prove that the agricultural sector should be regulated at the macro level. Thus, government regulation is a mandatory component of modern agricultural policy and the effective functioning agricultural sector. Moreover, government intervention is crucial not only for the industry but also for the conservation and rural development. Therefore, it is necessary to objectively state intervention in solving environmental problems, creating rural infrastructure and support social balance between urban and rural areas. Thus, the main specific factors which should be based on state support for the agricultural sector should be the following: maintaining somewhat of public procurement of agricultural products; forming a system of seasonal crediting of agricultural producers; restrictive and constructive state regulation of prices on the food market; market failure in certain circumstances to solve problems of infrastructure development and reconstruction sectors of agriculture, funding for agricultural research and education. State regulation of the economy is a system of legislative, regulatory and supervisory nature and carried out for the purposes of stabilizing and sustaining socio-economic system.


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How to Cite

Купчишина, О. А. (2017). O. Kupchishina. Features of state regulation in the agrarian sector. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (33), 109–114. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.33.2017.134203


