V. Voloshin. Processes of advanced consumption in society.


  • Vyacheslav S. Voloshin Приазовский государственный технический университет, г. Мариуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8423-2663




The article has a review character on the issue of advanced consumption in society. The article deals with the historical nature of consumption. It is determined that in a society of advanced consumption, when there is a lot of borrowed money, it is important to get people to buy. And there is no matter what to buy. It is important to buy, spend money, regardless of whether this thing is needed or not. The indicators of the total underutilized resource from the exploitation of some modern commodities are presented. The term "aggregate underutilized resource of consumer goods" is proposed. It is determined that the important characteristic of money as a commodity, proving the existence of a system of anticipatory consumption, is the unevenness and unequal consumption in various territories of our planet. Moreover, today it is not connected with the industrialization of countries, as it was at the dawn of capitalization. The conclusion is made, that the processes of anticipatory consumption in society, this is a reality, with which one should be reckoned. The reasons for this phenomenon are the uneven development of the economy, the uneven distribution of producing capacities, labor, raw materials and energy resources. Actually, the uneven development of different economic systems is also a given. Therefore, attempts to distribute these resources evenly and to equalize the economies will not solve the problem. The solution option to the problem of advanced consumption can be found in procedures for pricing optimization for raw materials, energy and labor resources in favor of the economies in which they are located.


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How to Cite

Voloshin, V. S. (2018). V. Voloshin. Processes of advanced consumption in society. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (35), 5–11. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.35.2018.147198


