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M. Kravchenko, O. Levchenko. Directions of creative management based on systems of balanced indicators.


  • Maryna Kravchenko ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Oleksiy Levchenko ПВНЗ «Європейський університет», м. Київ, Ukraine



creative management, creative industry, innovation, creative industries, finance, customers, internal business processes, training and development.


The relevance of the conference is motivated by the important role of motivating the staff in the management and security staff to the internal and external aspects. The subject of the presentation is the principle, as well as the method of the creative mission and the way to the modern motivational management. Investigated that in the creative economic theory of practical training, in the category of creative management, creative industry, and creative development of the creative industry on national development, in the development of creative development in national development, national development. It emphasizes missionary support, standard and mandatory training, and the adoption of new missionary, new ideas. It is designated, creative management can be interpreted, as a system of managing knowledge, processes. See straightforward creative management. It is designed, so effective for a creative management robot, to build in the development of the creative sector of economics and to base on the concept of creativity on a particular, group, organizational, national and global perspective. Effectiveness in dealing with this problem and non-binding with regard to the flow of information about the optional fragment, which can be useful for summing up. The problem is given for additional help with the balance of the system. Concerning the methodological systems and calculations for all the time spent in Chechnya, an interview will be organized: “Finance”, “Clients”, “Internal business processes”, "Teaching and Development". Leather bakery Thus, the system allows the user to control the state of the art management tool, which allows for the identification of critical parameters, not just a streamline development of the device. In addition, a role has been assigned to і and having injected the methods of system-based indicators in the company, and also the management system has been determined.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, M., & Levchenko, O. (2018). M. Kravchenko, O. Levchenko. Directions of creative management based on systems of balanced indicators. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 59–67.


