Slavkina M. A. Modern trends in the development of the banking sector of Ukraine in the context of the strategic objectives of ensuring its economic security.




banking sector, national economy, economic security, capital, assets, NBU policy, inflation.


The purpose of the article is to identify general trends in the development of the banking sector and to highlight the factors that reduce its level of economic security. Special conditions for the functioning of the banking sector make the analysis of current trends in its development extremely relevant. Research methods were general scientific and special, in particular: generalization, observation, graphic, economic and statistical, comparison, analysis, abstraction. The article describes the general trends in the development of the banking sector of Ukraine. It was stated that there is a decrease in the number of banks in the market, the unprofitability of their activities is growing, the transformation of the tools and methods of the entire banking system has taken place, lending to businesses and individuals has tended to decrease, the gap between individual deposit rates for the year and 6 months has decreased There were significant changes in the ownership structure of banks in Ukraine. It is proved that the functioning of the banking sector occurs in the conditions of socio-economic and political destabilization, the NBU's tough policy. The factors that infuse the state of the economic security of Ukrainian banks are summarized and evaluated. The influence of external and internal factors on the development of the domestic banking sector has been studied. The improvement of the banking market was carried out by eliminating entities that do not stand up to competition and do not comply with standards. It was emphasized that mergers and acquisitions that will continue to occur in order to achieve the minimum authorized capital defined by the NBU will inevitably lead to monopolization of the market. It is proved that the level of capitalization is insufficient, a significant part in the structure of the banking sector of foreign banks, poor quality of assets and public distrust of banks remain unresolved and threaten the economic security of the banking system of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Slavkina, M. (2018). Slavkina M. A. Modern trends in the development of the banking sector of Ukraine in the context of the strategic objectives of ensuring its economic security. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 87–93.


